Sunday, January 27, 2013

Crazy about Costumes!

It's always fun to impress friends with my costume accessories. One of them is interested in all of my fake eyelashes and how they feel to wear. This photo was taken to show her all the different kinds I have.

My goal is to finish beading the corset today. We call them bustiers, but I found out via that we actually wear corsets because they have boning. The other goal for the day is to make the bandana. Hobby Lobby had just the print I wanted for the fabric.

Only two weeks left until Flyday!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Website Updated!!!!

I feel like there are five hundred things I have to do right now, but here's what I got done over the 3-day weekend art-wise: 
Entire back of the bustier is done! (Still working on the front)

I also partially updated the website since I realized people are finding me through that and Pinterest - hooray!  Flickr may have a new photo or two on it as well!  Peace out for now!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bustier Progress

Here's my jam for beading if I'm not in a beading circle at a friend's house:  Cue Mardi Gras music, have a full cup of water nearby to stay hydrated, and have strategically placed glue stick refills and scissors to minimize much movement/help keep the flow going.  Only 4 weeks until Flyday!  This section of blue, which is about four inches wide, took an hour to do.  A whole bustier takes about 16 hours, give or take a few.  I timed myself one year.  Lunch break, then back to beading!  

My favorite Mardi Gras song, right here to help you get in the spirit ;) 

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Secret Artist

My work is still on display at the Causeway Branch Library.  There wasn't another artist in line, so my boss told me to keep my stuff up.  I am grateful for the exposure!  The display case is right at the front door and circulation desk so just about everyone notices it.  I've heard comments from several viewers.  Today my art even got a scoff and a negative head shake, but otherwise, all the comments have been positive.  No one knows that I am the artist even though my contact information is displayed as well.  Most patrons don't know my name so it's like I'm the secret artist.  It has definitely been an entertaining and completely unintentional sociological study.

I've been thinking that after Mardi Gras this year, I'll go ahead and join the STAA. Depending on how often I make it out to Covington to take advantage of my membership, I may get a broader following.  The use of a kiln and potter's wheel is pretty alluring.  There's also an art opportunity that I plan on taking part in that I think my bottle cap sculptures will be perfect for.

Four weeks till Flyday.......

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a fun filled holiday season and festive New Year's Eve!  All of the holidays are blowing through so fast, I can hardly get settled with one before the next is a week away!

I was reading this Newsweek article today and wonder if it will bring any major change to the art world.  Obviously, there's a huge gap between DIY art and crafts that is considered "local art" and the historically classic pieces of Duchamp and Monet, but I'd like to think that however often the "bubble" bursts there is at least a mini-revolution in the art world as far as style and taste go.  That gives "local artists" like me a tiny glimmer of hope that one day, we'll be a little bit bigger than our friend support system; we could at least make a name for ourselves in a region, such as Southeast Louisiana.  I'd even be happy just being locally recognized in Mandeville....bottle cap sculpture, anyone?

The next 6 weeks will be consumed art-wise with finishing the bustier for Flyday.  In the meantime, keep creating in whatever way you know how!!  Cheers!

Celebration in the Oaks 2012