Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring Fever

Somehow, I've caught spring fever today.  Small projects, bigger projects, now projects, and future projects.  They're all zooming in and out of my consciousness as I wonder how much can get done today and how much momentum will hold up as the week progresses.

A friend has suggested that I make a Facebook page to showcase my art.  She explained her whole plan, then I told her that I already had all of it set up with a nice fan base until about a year ago.  In that year, I have realized that Facebook really is the most popular social media outlet.  My Twitter following isn't bad, but it's about half of what Facebook was.  Of course, if I decide to re-open or create another Cool Beans Art fan page on FB, I will let you all know!

Fabulous news - I just had my first sale at Redoux!!!  Granted, it was a friend of mine who bought my stuff, but hey, it shows the masses that my stuff is in fact, cool beans & worth it!

Have a great week, everyone!
My display at Redoux before selling the dragonfly

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My First Retail Adventure!

I am very excited to announce that my metal/wood sculptures will be selling in a shop that just opened here in Mandeville called Redoux Home Market & Consignment.  My prices will be about the same as if you were buying the pieces directly from me.  Basically, I'm renting a space from the shop owners to display and sell my stuff, so no need to raise prices to cover a gallery fee.  It will be so great to get some real exposure with my art!  Having it on display at the library for nearly three months now has really been a blessing, too.  My boss comes from a family of artists so she understands and supports my artistic side.  I never thought I would find myself in this situation, but again, it is wonderful, and I hope to sell all of my pieces in Redoux!  Mike and Kristen, the owners, are super nice and easy to work with.  My work should be up and ready to sell by next weekend in their shop, so come check it out!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Post Flyday Thoughts

Hello, Guys and Gals!  Flyday was fun, as always, and Mother Nature finally let the sun shine on us (literally).  Sadly, my corset did not fair well throughout the day.  Letters were already pealing off by the time our party bus got to our destination, and taking a look at the corset today, I can see that entire stripes came off the back and several sections and other letters were loosing their grip.  The hot glue I used came from Hobby Lobby, but in years past, I've used hot glue sticks from Michael's.  Guess I won't be buying the same brand in the future (store brand); although, I have also been considering buying a bigger, more powerful glue gun to help speed along the beading process.

During my long recovery slumber, I dreamt about buying a warehouse art studio sort of building to run art classes, events, and programs out of.  It came with all sorts of easels, work tables, wash tubs, and painting supplies.  The dream ended without an official outcome as far as an act of sale or the like, but it has me wondering if it was a premonition or just a dream....

Hope you all enjoy the rest of this Carnival season!  If the weather holds up, I'll be back in the Quarter for Mardi Gras as part of the Royal Flush!  Hail Dragonflies!

taken by Judy Walker

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rosie the Riveter is Ready!!!

Flyday is Friday!  If you haven't yet heard, the parade starts at 2 PM in front of Tujague's Restaurant.  So far the weather looks like it will behave for us.  Here is the completed corset in 360 (which I flipped right side up, but they didn't post as such).  Hope to see y'all along the route!