Listening to "The River" by Imagine Dragons, and just finished reading an article in Gambit's CUE about artist Valerie Corradetti. She's quoted as saying, "I live in the world of noticing the little things we normally pass by". That's a pretty accurate statement about any artists' frame of mind. We're all dreamers.
My parents always told me that I was their dreamer. The older I get, however, I can definitely see that I've become quite a realist. Some say I'm negative, but I say that life has taught me to keep a solid grip on my ideas or my expectations never get met. I also believe that I'm conserving energy for people and projects that really deserve it now instead of wasting it on everyone and everything, like I used to. The realist has tempered my creativity a good bit, though. It's been several months since I've felt like creating or completing an art project. Alas, the idea board has been growing again recently and much, if not most, of my inspiration is from my new family life that is quickly coming together.
May this small wave of inspiration continue, and may all of us remember to visit the world of ideas every now and again to keep ourselves balanced.