If you watched BBC's "Sherlock", that title has a little extra meaning for you. 😉
A friend of mine posted a picture of her spare room that is supposed to serve as her craft space, and said she hadn't been in there in a long time. My old "studio" is now my daughter's room. As with any toddler, her stuff has taken over the entire house, and my art stuff is blocked into the back corner of her room. It takes up about a quarter of the space, which she desperately needs, and I'd like to get at so I can do stuff.
So, my friend said she's going to clean out her spare room and make it usable again. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury - we just need to move - however, I am going to try and make some time and a small work space so I can at least clear off all of the "repair" projects that have been accumulating on my drafting table. There's a sizable amount of things that need to be hot glued, and probably next in line is jewelry repairs. Some are projects that have been laid out, and others are literally things that are broken.
Oh, I also began making another no-sew tutu over the weekend. Haven't done that in a few years! I promptly ran out of tulle, but boy did the bed get full of green glitter quick! Then it spread all over the house and I've been unintentionally wearing it every day since (glitter)!
My job allows me a good bit of creative license, both in the actual job description and in what I wear to work, but I still miss making things with my hands. Either way, I'm thankful to be in the same boat as creative friends so that we can inspire each other to get out of our ruts!