Friday, January 13, 2012

The Melting Pot I Call Home

If you've ever read my bio on my website, you already know that I'm from New Orleans.  I grew up on Arts Street in the Gentilly Terrace neighborhood near Brother Martin (which won't mean anything unless you are from the city).  As I'm applying for "big girl jobs" as a librarian (my master's is in Library and Info Science), I go back and forth in my head about whether I should stay close to home or go away someplace new.  New Orleans is in my soul.  The rich culture, delicious food, year-round festivals, Dragonflies and Mardi Gras, the Mississippi River, Lake Ponchartrain, the weather, my family, and many of my friends are here.  If I go away, will I find anything that I feel like I can enmesh myself in as much? 

The way I came to make the beer fish was because I moved to Arizona.  Living in the desert surrounded by mountain ranges is pretty, and the sunsets are unlike I've ever seen over the lake, but the lack of water everywhere really affected me, both physically and mentally.  The fish were my call to home and the way of life I knew here.  I don't want to feel the way I felt being that far away from home ever again.  I also hope that if I do move away, wherever I land will be just as inspiring and fascinating as south Louisiana is to me. 

And even though LSU did not win the BCS Championship, (really, the game was a total embarrassement), I  have always been a Tiger fan.  There's always next year!

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