Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Uno Momento

There was an issue with the website transfer.  The site builder used for the original website does not allow FTP, so the DNS directions have to be changed and then I can start building my new site.  The reason for the redirection is so the web address can stay the same.  Othewise, I'd have to really start from scratch.  That's not a huge deal except that .com was already taken, and now .net would already be taken, too.  Sigh.  That part should get done this week - it's really quick - so I'm really hoping to start building over the weekend.  I'm becoming somewhat of a techie afterall.  It'll serve me well in libraryland, too, and help beef up the resume <wink>.  All the other new forms of media are doing well, though, so send some good juju this way for the website so it can be on it's merry way to life again!  Have a great evening!