If you haven't seen it yet, it'll be up for another week or so. Thanks to All who have admired it so far!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Home for the Holidays
The holidays are so busy and stressful, I had to make time for some art in order to relax. This little Carolina Wren will be a painting sooner or later. I just sketched it at breakfast.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Flyday 2013
Monday, December 3, 2012
Art on Display All Month!!!
In case you hadn't heard, my art is on display at the Causeway Branch Library all month long! This is the latest piece I've finished that will be added to the display tomorrow. Working with driftwood has been very pleasant so far. My plan is to continue to experiment with it, and hopefully turn out some really neat sculptures!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thinking Out Loud
Anywho, what's been going on? My life took a turn for the better on Halloween and without saying too much, I will let you know that I have been very happy and busy the last three weeks. That's also why posts have been less frequent on here and Twitter.
My driftwood collection is really growing. Although I haven't done any shows or markets this year, I will have my work up in the library (where I work) early next year, so I need to get things made.
Also, I recently attended a party where there were several other librarians. It was a great time, but it also sparked a potential future career track for me. Those of you who have known me for awhile know that I was very stressed out while I got my MLIS because I was working full time and taking full semesters of classes. It has been suggested to me that I get a second Master's, but this time in Arts Administration. Here is more info on it. The suggestion included using both Master's in tandem to get a fancier job. Many of the party guests I met have two Master's degrees. Is it worth it? I'm not sure. Would I get paid more for having both? Possibly. It's not something I can afford right now, nor is it something I'm ready to do yet. I've only graduated a year ago with the MLIS, but I'm definitely mulling it over. My undergraduate degree is in Art Education, so it would be the best of both worlds to use all of my degrees for one job someday.
He's thinking about it (Blarney Castle, IE) |
Monday, November 12, 2012
What's Happenin'
This past weekend was the Three Rivers Art Festival in Covington. There were some of the same vendors that are always there, but a lot of new ones, too. I was able to find some unique pieces to add to my collection without breaking the bank. There were a few others, however, that I would've loved to have, which would have been much more of an investment.
Today, the studio got very organized. Got some jewelry projects finished, and I needed the drafting/work table to be cleared off. Flyday beading will commence soon - believe it or not Mardi Gras is only three months away! Besides, I kept tripping over things between beer fish supplies and the costume closet.
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One of my fave artists from Three Rivers - http://dolangeiman.com/ |
Friday, November 2, 2012
Day of the Dead/All Saints Day/All Souls Day
Monday, October 22, 2012
New Website Published!!
It is not the one I paid for several months ago with Green Geeks. That one was not meant for non-technie people. This site, however, is so easy! A coworker told me about it today and all that got published only took me two hours tonight! It would probably have been even more complete if my internet hadn't slowed down (debugging issue). Best of all, this host is FREE!!! I'll continue building it this week, so please check back for the finished product!
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image from www.antiqueimages.blogspot.com |
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Queen of Hearts
The ruff is done for this year's Halloween costume. The bustier for Flyday 2013 arrived early so that can be used with this outfit, too! All that's left to make are the shoulder poofs. Ya know, like Snow White has in the Disney movie.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Felt Things!
The latest and greatest barrette! Now improved with sewn on snap clip and embellishments. No more glue!
Friday, October 12, 2012
What To Do When You're Home Sick
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This is a t-shirt I finished today - get the pun? |
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October/November (Mostly) Art Happenings - There's a Bunch!
Art for Art's Sake, October 6
Fall for Art, October 20
Octoberfeast, October 27
Halloween ~ October 31
Day of the Dead ~ November 1&2
Peter Anderson Festival, November 3&4
Three Rivers Art Festival, November 10, 11&12
Thanksgiving, November 22
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Day of the Dead, 2010 Halloween costume |
Saturday, September 29, 2012
That Time of Year
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Building on the Idea: the Creative Process
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wallpapervortex.com |
Thursday, September 20, 2012
There are millions of references to time in everyone's everyday life. This list/stream of consciousness doesn't even make a dent. [Nevermind all the uncited references there ;) ]. Time has been a prominent thought in my mind for a while now, and especially since I've gotten back from Ireland. My body and mind are still readjusting. Just tonight, I've started to think about it in relation to art; although, I definitely don't want to make a literal piece. A couple of years ago, I was planning a dear friend's bridal shower and the theme was "What's Your Favorite Time of Day". The point was to give something from your favorite time of day i.e. kitchen stuff for a meal time, bath stuff for bath time, and so on. How would you represent time in a painting, sculpture, print, photograph, etcetera without being obvious? Time effects everything we do, all of the time!
Waterford, Ireland |
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Upcoming Local Art Events
Love in the Garden: NOMA_mobile http://noma.org/pages/mdetail/225/LOVE-in-the-Garden
Sorry the initial posting was so crude. I did it all from my phone. :)
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PHOTO CREDIT: http://s148.photobucket.com/profile/AlatarielCiryatan |
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Pinterest and Stuff
on the flight from ATL to DUB |
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Back from Ireland!
Pictures are trying to download, but there are nearly 800 of them and a couple of videos, so hopefully by tonight, they will be up on Flickr. I also added a new item to Etsy this morning and have been inspired to continue with the art business. An Ireland photo will be added to this later once I can get things off the camera, so check back for that. Slainte!
Rainbow over the cow fields in Ireland |
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Dragonfly Finished!
Friday, August 31, 2012
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2011-2012 |
Monday, August 27, 2012
Bad Moon Rising
The plan is to watch movies until the power goes out, and then read. Candles and flashlights have been dispersed all around the house. If power is out for a lengthy period (days), I may even try to do some art. In the meantime, enjoy this photo I took this afternoon of some carefree youngsters. It wasn't that long ago that I can remember getting excited about a hurricane coming because there was no work and no school. Once you become a homeowner, that all changes. Anyway, keep up with Flickr since I'll post photos from my phone throughout the storm. Good luck and be safe!
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canoeing on Lake Ponchartrain pre-Isaac |
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Don't Call Me Jill!
Anywho, I lied. I renewed some Etsy items. Some will definitely expire and not get renewed though. Not much is going to happen artwise before my trip, but as always, there are ideas for things when I get back. It's crazy how fast time is going by! So many things to take care of! Later!!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Continuing the Trend
New ideas have come to me about can/cap sculptures, so not quite ready to list things for sale on Etsy yet. If I go forward with them and make enough stuff, I'll try selling at the Mandeville Trailhead Community Market one weekend in October or November. The ideas will allow for a range of prices that will hopefully help to make some sales.
As far as Etsy goes, I've moreorless decided to let all the listings expire. The link will always be good, but only my favorite listings from other sellers will show unless I decide to list my personal items again. The investment is minimal, but it's just one more thing that takes up a lot of time and isn't getting the return I hoped for. Maybe if I'd figured out and allowed international shipping that would've helped make a few sales. Who knows. The site is just so full of crafts people and artists that listings get lost in the mix - a great problem for the creators of Etsy to have, however.
The website will get built and be up by Christmas for sure. After my return from travelling, I will make myself sit down and finish building it with the help of my former webmaster. The address may have to change a smidge, but we may also find a way around it. Alternately, if anyone has a recommendation for a cheap website building human who could get it all done for me in a weeks time, I'll go that route. By cheap, I mean, they just want some more experience to add to their resume and will do it for an art trade, or less than $50.
Wishing everyone a great week! The Olympics have been thrilling to watch, but the sitcoms on NBC are biting at its heels to get the new seasons started. Looks like Mon-Wed nights I'll be wrapped up in TV land ;)
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Some coworkers and I came up with this whole scene and Tweeted it to our favorite Saints players |
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Housecleaning and Maybe a New Direction
Today I've had major motivation to get rid of things both material and metaphorical that don't fit anymore. Closets are being cleaned out, dontation and consignment bags are getting filled, things are being returned, etc. I also found out that while Abita thinks my beer fish are great, they are too expensive to resell in their gift shop. It was worth a shot, even though I was not surprised by their decision.
That whole price thing may be why I've never made a sale on Etsy, and why everyone who wants a beer fish or any other piece of my art has not bought something. This topic was included in a post before, but I can not fathom how these other artists and craftpersons are selling their creations for so little. At the same time, Etsy is not the cheapest place in the world to buy things - it's often quite pricey - but the things that are similar to what I make are cheaper than what I feel comfortable selling mine for. Maybe I'm too proud or too idealistic.
Either way, this cleaning out mode that's struck is causing me to consider getting rid of all the cans and bottle caps I've been collecting for the last several years. I can always get more if I decide to take up that type of sculpture again. I've done the math. Over the last 8 years, I've sold 8 or 9 fish total. It's not worth keeping all this stuff around for that since I don't like having backstock sitting around. Maybe I'll try to sell all the supplies on Etsy rather than throwing it all in the recycle bin for folks who like to make bottle cap earrings and whatnot. There are a couple more projects I'd like to make for myself before I make my final decision, but that's the direction my mind is headed.
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Photo taken from this site via Google image search |
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Blonde at the Roots
Anyway, DUH!!! I just changed "my website" on Twitter to the Etsy shop instead of having it set to the blog. That will help make a potential sale more than the blog will. Heyyo!! Been very dinghy lately...my brain must still be at the beach ;)
Also, still waiting to hear from Abita about the beer fish idea. Apparently, the big chief is very busy, as to be expected.
It kept loading funny, but how hilarious is this?? Gulf Shores, AL |
Sunday, August 5, 2012
In Real Life....
Sand Pipers at Gulf Shores, AL |
Friday, July 27, 2012
It's almost finished! Perfectionism and meticulousness are the only reasons I'm not saying it's done. Side note: painting has never been one of my favorite mediums and I think I discovered why today. The colors are great, but brush control is a challenge.
Happy Friday!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Friday Stuff
Dropped off the Abita beer fish to the Visitor Center this afternoon! I'll know in a couple of weeks if they're interested in selling them or not.
Two trips are coming up soon. Gulf Shores in August and Ireland in September. I'll be taking lots of pictures, and will probably get tons of project ideas. In the meantime, I've gotten some ideas from this book that I'd like to expand on.
Y'all have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Here Comes the Sun -- and What's a Lithograph?
Anyway, after further polling art and non-art friends, (and yes, it's totally biased), I've decided to keep the beer fish and litho at cheaper prices BUT ONLY FOR JULY!!! So, if you've been wanting a fish or that litho, or even the dragonfly now is the time to buy because come August 1 the fish and dragonfly are going up to $50 (where the dragonfly should've always been and the fish have been since I started selling them) and the litho is going back up to $150.
Honestly, I don't know how these other artisans can be okay with pricing their work so cheap on Etsy. It's handmade, yo! Not mass produced! The other lithos I've seen, especially, are listed for way too cheap. So what if you made it in a college art class. I made mine there, too, and none of them were quick and easy projects. By the way, a lithograph (literally translated to stone drawing) is an image transferred from a stone (in this case, limestone) to whatever print medium (in this case Arches cold press or Arches hot press papers) via printing press (yes, the same type of contraption the Gutenberg Bible was printed on). It's hand-cranked and the stones are hand-cleaned. It's really interesting but also really not easy. Plus, you use different chemicals for different effects if you so desire, and just the drawing or image itself is likely something that took a significant amount of time to come up with or produce. That's why the "Outside Looking In" litho(graph) is the most expensive one I made. It's got the most detail and took so long to get how I wanted it, it was actually the first assigned project in the class that I turned in as the last project for the semester. Seriously.
Long story short, get it while it's hot (outside) - and cheaper - because in a few weeks, I'll be putting prices back on these works that more closely reflect what I think they deserve. Not because I'm trying to make money - literally, I have not sold a thing on Etsy since I opened shop in April - but because I take pride in my work and really believe that's what it's worth. Happy shopping!!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Completed Fish
Just finished this Abita fish!
Also, the price of the most expensive lithograph has been lowered from $150 down to $120. Why the huge jump? I want to make a sale and make my Etsy listings move. Honestly, I think the litho is worth $175, but no one will pay that at this point in time.C'est la vie!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Oohsparkly on Etsy
Speaking of the fish, I started making an all Abita one today in hopes of selling it to or in the Abita Brewery shop. I also plan to make an all Abita dragonfly for the same purpose. All the business reading takes away from actual art production, so I'm pushing myself to make art more often. Keep watching for more goodies to come!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Post Fireworks
The plan is to start cranking out beer fish today. Some will get brought to Abita in hopes of selling them there, and the rest will get listed on Etsy. The photo I've included with this post is from last night. The moon was a prominent fixture for the night.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Art Shows & Fine Tuning
The beer fish are things that I make not minding just turning a profit. They didn't start out that way, but that's what they've become. And if I did a festival, I would most likely make a ton of them to sell. They are somewhat of a novelty, though, so getting recognized for that is fine. When I'm really feeling inspired, I paint, pull out my printmaking supplies - do more time consuming and in-depth projects. Another example, is that I will never sell my pottery. For one, I use it and two, I made it just for myself. The reason I sell my lithographs is because I had six of each print. There's an edition of each in my personal collection, but I sell the rest because I didn't need six of each one.
I do most art for myself. It is my hobby, and my passion. While I obviously want to make some kind of profit from it (hello, Etsy), I feel that if it would take off and become wildly successful, the passion and enjoyment I get from it will disappear. Making art is personally satisfying for me so I don't want to lose that by having to mass produce pieces for clients, galleries, festivals, shows, etc. There's a delicate balance I want to achieve by putting my work out there on my website (which I swear is slowly but surely coming along), selling it on Etsy, or blogging and Tweeting about it; although, I can not say specifically what it is other than a feeling or inner comfort meter.
Hopefully, all of this makes sense. I take it as a compliment when people introduce me as an artist, and I do consider myself one, but I'm more than likely not the kind you think of physically or metaphorically.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Party Rock
And I finally reupholstered the chair! It's not 100% finished, but I needed it mostly done for a party I'm throwing tonight. I'll go back and stuff the seat more later, and then nail in more tacks to make it totally secure.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The artist is Andrea Loest and it's called "Pin Up Cowgirl 50's Sundress". I found the tag when I was cleaning out a closet at my parents' house tonight. Ha! I also see that I paid WAY more for it than I initially thought!!
Happy Father's Day, Dad!!
My dad was an architect all of my childhood. We lived in New Orleans and he had his dream job. Over the years he worked on the creation of so many New Orleans architectural icons - the Superdome, Tulane Medical Center, the Sheraton on Canal Street, and Hard Rock Cafe on N. Peter's. Dad was also a photographer at family events growing up, and of nature. Guess where I get my enthusiasm for nature photography from? I remember when I was little and Dad was working on projects in the garage, I liked to hang out with him while he was working and he let me play with some of his tools. He gave me a scrap of a two by four and let me hammer way too many nails in it so I could make a table for my Barbie's. Oh yeah, it was awesome - hahahaha!! Dad's not an architect anymore, but he's still always working on projects at he and mom's house or in the garden. Guess where my joy of gardening comes from, too? He's helped me stretch a canvas, he fixes things at my condo and teaches me how, too, and when I feel like giving up, he pushes me to go further. I'm so glad he's my dad.
Happy Father's Day, Dad! I love you so much!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
I'm finally redesigning the website! I'd forgotten my passwords, and everything regarding the site transfer wasn't working. The old site still needs to get redirected, but I can build while that gets worked on by my former webmaster.
This has been a nice rainy weekend here so I've been creative in the kitchen. Experimenting with food is something I enjoy, by trying new things and with recipes. So far, I've made lasagna with eggplant, cottage cheese, and 100% lean ground meat; mango juice from a fresh mango; and banana nut muffins with a mix, but eaten with Nutella. This afternoon, I hope to make either lemon pound cake or fruit tarts from scratch.
Reading and yoga are on the agenda, too!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Like the drawing says...
Just a sketch before bed. Don't be afraid to dream HUGE!! You never know what might happen. I always dream in color, too! ;)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Uno Momento
Monday, June 4, 2012
What's That You Say??
Slowly, but surely, the site will get revamped and updated. It will serve as homebase for this blog, the Etsy shop, and Flickr. It will also be updated regularly. I've signed up for Twitter and for Pinterest as well, so there are lots of ways to follow along now. I feel like this is the key to attracting more of a fan base. Please follow along with my progress and thank you for your support over the years to this point! I'm really excited about all of this finally coming together! Cheers!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Good News All Around!
Other fun and excitement is that I finally, after years, started going through my closets at my parents' house. I made room here in my costume closet for fabric samples I got from my brother years ago when he sold futons. There is even more fabric hidden at Mom and Dad's but we haven't been able to put our paws on it yet. I've got a significant amount already, just today, though! One piece is to recover the dining chair downstairs. It was sanded a few months ago, and has been patiently awaiting a new seat cover.
I also came across three brand new photo frames that match others I have here at my house. I could definitely use them, and it was a nice surprise. Oh, and another tiny surprise is that I now have three book screws from a bolt of fabric (if I make two covers, and choose awesome art paper to put inside, the book is literally bolted together with these screws), so I'm looking forward to that project as well because bookmaking is fun!
Lastly, I remembered that the St. Tammany Art Association offers clay, a kiln, and even classes for a small fee. There are so many clay and ceramic projects I've been needing and wanting to tend to....woo! I will be one busy little artist here this summer! May as well be, though. The job market is terrible, and it's too hot to stay outside for very long on days off.
Hope everyone has had a great weekend! I also hope that you, too, can find some treasures that make you happy and inspired!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Fridge Art
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
I'm Unique, Just Like Everyone Else
I'm reading about branding - not the cattle kind and not the fraternity kind - my business. I'm thinking about the Cool Beans Art logo and the colors and style we chose for it. Aside: a friend from work was my webmaster and logo designer. She has graciously let me continue to use the logo even though I will be my own webmaster, soonish. Anyway, the logo has bright colors, which I have always loved, but has a brown background which all represents nature. I love my garden, spending time outside, and I love photographing plants, insects, the outdoors in general. The colors and design also represent my personality. I'm fun and outgoing, but I'm also reserved.
Taking all of this to another level: my drawings, paintings, and lithographs truly show my style - attention to detail, the whole picture and everything working together is how I'm happiest and most productive.
The alcohol related art is newer than my lithos and maybe what I've focused on more in the last five years or so. Does it mean I've become an alcoholic recently? Not at all; however, I have grown up a lot and lost a lot of my naivety. When I was a teacher, my goal was to reach the kids with self esteem issues and show them there's a way up through and with art. After teaching for several years and seeing how undervalued art really is, I lost those great ambitions. Then I got into the wine business, and that is how the alcohol related art began. Drowning my sorrows and crushed dreams? Perhaps.
Where'd the name come from? I used to say "cool beans" all the time growing up, and one of my nicknames is Jillybean.
Now you all know much more about me. My brand, ladies and gentlemen, is Cool Beans Art.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Sunday Evening Post
A kiln, a potters wheel, a collagraph press, a large work table, a sewing machine, and a photo area set up for taking pictures of completed projects.